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Ozone is a gas composed of oxygen atoms. It occurs when a potent energy source, like an electric charge, breaks a stable oxygen molecule into unstable atoms. These highly reactive ozone molecules react and oxidize bacteria and virus cell walls naturally, thus sanitizing every wash load. At Harco, we offer ArtiClean ozone technology for commercial laundry equipment. Read on to discover the benefits.

Ozone is natural

An ozone laundry system is safe for you and your employees as long as you install it properly and follow all safety procedures. Ozone is directly present in the washer load, working as a natural disinfectant, so less detergent, and other oxidizers such as bleach are required.


Beneficial properties

In addition to being an excellent cleaner, ozone softens the laundry and gives it a pleasing fresh scent. Depending on your laundry room’s operation, ozone can also enhance the whiteness of your linens and reduce the frequency of washing. Ozone also prolongs your linen’s lifespan by controlling the water’s pH levels and eliminating the need for chemicals that can cause faster wear on fabrics.


Proven effective

Ozone’s disinfectant properties have proven beneficial to many establishments, such as large hotels and hospitals. Some have even remarked that their towels have been softer since using this system. In most cases, ozone reduces drying time by 10 to 30 per cent. This time savings lets your team reduce the number of hours required to do laundry and gives them more time to focus on other tasks.


Added savings

Ozonated water eliminates up to 95 per cent of the hot water usually required for washing cycles, so your industrial laundry consumes less natural gas. Reduced drying times also lowers energy consumption and, depending on your workflow, may reduce overtime for your staff. Finally, using ozone allows you to reduce the frequency of your linen changes, allowing you to prolong their use.

Would you like to know whether ozone technology is suitable for your operation and learn more about Would you like to know whether ozone technology is suitable for your operation and learn more about installation? At Harco, we specialize in industrial and commercial laundry equipment. Contact us to learn more and request a quote.

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